Clinical Basis

A virus ADN infection of the herpes virus group (chicken pox, zona, Epstein Barr, and cytomegalo virus) are of two antigenic herpes varieties :

Eruption : vesicular, or phlyctenular
Site : cutaneous mucinous junctions : lips, cornea, genitals
     large cutaneous mucous area : cheek, buttocks

Recurring affection caused by a short, temporary disturbance of the equilibrium due to an initially unstable terrain linked to repeated and periodical aggression of variable intensity. The reaction may be variable without direct relation to the effective cause, returning rapidly to the initial level of the terrain without modifications.

The resulting scar tissue may vary according to area and extensiveness.

The instability of the initial terrain in its acute phase is the cause of the brief failure of the suprarenal - beta sympathetic nervous system. The lack of stability during the pre-acute phase is the consequence of a hyperactivity of the alpha sympathetic response to a basic parasympathetic system aggravating the glycocorticoidal decline of the adrenal cortex.

The most frequently encountered disturbances of the terrain in pre-acute and acute cases are :

The most frequently encountered factors associated within these pre-acute and acute cases are :

The associated symptoms, cause of the prolonged crisis most frequently encountered are :


Basic Phytotherapy

(classic etiology of the illness = antiviral plants, antiHSV)

Combined routes of administration

Oral administration only

Local application only (contact effective)

Associated (related) Phytotherapies
* Etiology of the pre-acute and acute stage of the organism = plants having corticostimulating properties, betasympathetic lytic stimulant, alphasympathetic lytic, ?sympathetic lytic, hypothalamohypohysothyroid reactivity reducer, genital ovarian stimulant - mainly luteal and testicular, antehypophysostimulant, thymostimulant :

A) Cortico stimulating plants:

B) betasympathetic activity stimulating plants :

C) alphasympathetic lytic stimulating plants

* scientific view of the causation of disease
D) ?sympathetic (Para sympatholytic) stimulating plants

E) hypothalamohypophysothyroid activity reducing plants

F) Ovarian stimulating plants, especially luteal

G) Plants with anti-pituitary activity qualities

H) Thymo-stimulating plants


Endogenic co-aggressors of the terrain = plants of intestinal disinfectant qualities, antimycotic, lymphatic peripheral stimulants, pancreatotropic, hepatotropic, dermatotropic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-neurologic, anti-allergenic.
Internal use
A) Plants of intestinal disinfectant qualities

B) Antimicotic plants

C) Peripheral lymphatic stimulating plants

D) Pancreatotropic plants

E) Hepatotropic plants

F) Dermotropic plants

G) Anti-inflammatory plants

H) Analgesic plants

I) Anti-neuralgic plants

J) Anti-allergic plants



Principal treatment :

Precritical phase (prodromic phase)

Critical Phase (acute stage)
Per Os (By Mouth)


In adjuvance

Precritical phase (prodromic phase)

Acute phase

Per Os

Local application


All interrelated phases

1. Thymus vulgaris (Thyme) (antiviral cutaneo-mucolytic, adrenal cortex tonic, releases betasympathicotropic substances, antivagotropic, immuno-stimulant participant, digestive anti-infectant, digestive anti-mycotic, choleretic, cutaneo-mucous contact cicatrizant, participates in inflammation inhibition, digestive musculotropic antispasmodic, cutaneo-mucous contact analgesic, neurologic)
2. Ribes nigrum (black currant) (adrenal cortex stimulant, aid in secretion of betasympathicotropic substances, supports betasympathicotropism, participates in immuno-stimulation, cicatrizant, anti-inflammatory, participates in limitation of allergy)
3. Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) (cortisone like action, participates in activation of the betasympathicotropic substances, ovarian oestrogenic action stimulant, luteal stimulant activity - testicular stimulant activity - immuno-stimulant aid, anti-inflammatory, digestive antispasmodic, helps in limitation of allergy)
4. Inula helenium (Elecampane) (cutaneo-mucous, antiviral, genito-urinary, supports (favors) glycocorticoid secretions, betasympathicotonia, furthers oestrogenic secretions, progesteronic, adenohypophysic stimulant, ACTH-FSH-LH, immuno-modulation participant, digestive anti-infective, digestive anti-mycotic, genito-urinary, participates in containing inflammation, aid in limitation of allergy)
5. Viscum album (mistletoe) (thymo-stimulant)
6. Vaccinum myrtillus (Huckleberry) (intestinal disinfectant)

all interrelated phases


(see basic treatments)

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